TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I respectfully disagree - FYI 555 JWT top load value is 64
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Subject I respectfully disagree - FYI 555 JWT top load value is 64
Posted by ztunerz on January 22, 2009 at 8:48 AM
  This message has been viewed 135 times.
In Reply To Re: Really ? posted by DVDBURN (MD) on January 22, 2009 at 12:35 AM
Message not 88. Just as an example. I could go into details but that would risk getting chewed out by JWT etc. FYI if you map trace you will see 88 on 370's roughly corresponds to 12 - 13 psi. If you want to run more boost and tune for it you have to change the load scaling and it IS possible to do so in the eprom - no extra hardware needed. Similarly you can rescale the rpm points as well. You just have to know which table to reference. I am shocked to see the ash 850 cc tune show 88 in the final load column. I suspect that is not actually whats happening. If i am not mistaken Ash rescales the maps for more boost. Unfortunately due to the sensitivity of subject i can't go into more details.

Suffice it to say, it is possible to rescale the load and rpm maps to whatever you want at the expense of increasing granularity in the tune since we still have a 8 x 8 map. I have some custom maps that are scaled all the way to 2 bar (29 psi).


Formerly yellowzxtt

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